Herbal incense review

Herbal Incense Vs Synthetic Marijuana

Herbal incense is made from a variety of different plants. Some of these herbs are derived from Traditional Tibetan medicine, while others are synthetic and can be quite addictive. To help you decide which herb to burn, read on for some of the main characteristics. These can range from physical addiction to legal highs. Let's take a closer look at each type of herb. And remember to keep your intentions pure, as these blends are not for recreational use.

Traditional Tibetan medicine

Among the many benefits of Tibetan herbal incense you can buy herbal incense with debit card and is its ability to relieve stress and tension. It is made of thirty-one different natural ingredients, including wood and other plants. The Tibetan herbs used in these blends are completely organic and natural. These incenses are used to cleanse sacred space and promote meditative concentration. The scent is long-lasting and complex, and many people find them to be calming.

Synthetic marijuana

The DEA classified 15 varieties of synthetic marijuana as Schedule I controlled substances, the same federal classification as heroin and crack cocaine. While many consumers believe these products are safe, the truth is that synthetic marijuana is not as safe as it is made to appear to be. It is comprised of natural ingredients and legal chemicals that are still dangerous for the body. These substances have been linked to a range of side effects, from severe bleeding and bruising to violent behavior and even kidney damage.

Legal high

Herbal incense is a multimillion dollar industry and strongest liquid incense, flying off shelves of head shops and mail order sites. It is illegal to sell marijuana in many countries, and while there are no federal regulations on herbal incense, it is still illegal in some states. These incense blends are made from a combination of herbs that are dried and sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids to make them give a "high" that smokers report to be similar to that of marijuana.

Physically addictive

Herbal incense is addictive in the same way that cannabis is. It is commonly smoked in joints and is both physically and psychologically addictive. Like marijuana, the effects of herbal incense are amplified by the interaction of several substances. Herbal incense also contains synthetic cannabinoids, which mimic the effects of marijuana withdrawal. While withdrawal symptoms are usually mild, doctors recommend drug detox under medical supervision.


In recent years, non-toxic cheap herbal incense has gained increasing media attention due to its potentially therapeutic effects. This type of incense does not contain psychoactive plants, such as marijuana, but is merely a blend of natural plant materials that have been sprayed with chemicals. These chemicals activate the same receptors in the brain as marijuana does, and produce a similar euphoric effect. However, synthetic chemicals are not naturally occurring, and they may pose additional risks to human health.


People who are allergic to herbal incense are often sensitive to the fragrance of the incense. Some people experience respiratory symptoms or anaphylactic shock after being exposed to the fragrance for a prolonged period of time. In such cases, a healthcare professional can prescribe an antihistamine. Allergic reactions to incense are common among those who suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity syndrome (MCS), which may be related to exposure to chemicals from the environment.


Herbal incense has been on the rise since a police officer in Salem, Massachusetts, found it in his teenage son's pocket. The drug is legal, but it's not entirely safe for consumption. Its unregulated use is a reason for concerns about its dangerous side effects. According to the police department, herbal incense has a variety of harmful effects. Listed below are some of them.

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